
Skilled. Motivated. Together.

Since its inception, RMSpumptools has developed a range of innovative ESP Completion Systems and Mechanical & Electrical products

We are always prepared to challenge traditional techniques, propose new ideas and create solutions and systems to complement our central core of field-proven products. This approach delivers enhanced operations, lower workover costs and the maximum possible return on ESP completion.

mechanical and electrical design

Product Patents

RMSpumptools has always been at the forefront of technology, being recognised for the development of several ground breaking products.

Mechanical Products
  • The Switch - UK Patent No: GB2456866A & US 8,353,352,B2
  • Y-Chek - EU Patent No: EP2088279B1 & US8104540
  • Clamping System - UK Patent No: GB2461141
Electrical Products
  • Wet Mate Connector with Water Ingress - Patent Pending
  • Wet Mate Connector with Latch - Patent Pending
  • Concentric Connector With Latch - Patent Pending
Y-Chek (Automatic Y-Tool)

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The Y-Chek is firmly established as the New Standard in automatic Y-Tool technology. This automatic downhole valve is located within the RMSpumptools Y-Tool and is designed to prevent recirculation of pumped fluid from an operated ESP.

Single Mandrel

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Packer Penetrators - Single Mandrel FRONTIER 2.4”, NEXUS 2” and the STEALTH 1.5” for low bore applications.

The Switch

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Avoid unexpected workovers when your pump fails - simply transfer the power to the secondary pump via The SWITCH® and production continues with minimum delay.