Minimal Space required to suit Tight Bores and Ultra Fast Assembly Time in the Field
RMSpumptools SPEEDFiT is the new benchmark for high-speed, consistently reliable field installations of downhole cable to Wellhead and Packer Penetrators - saving you even more rig time. Requiring minimal parts and training, just a cable prep is required - SPEEDFiT requires no tapes, no epoxy, no gel and minimal assembly of parts.
SPEEDFiT is easily adaptable for use with different size cables, resulting in simple redress for re-use with only a minimum of spares required. The system variations suit different tubing sizes and can be adapted to different hanger profiles and existing equipment.
Features & Benefits
- Simple, Reliable, Efficient
- No Tapes, No Epoxy, No Gel
- Minimal Assembly of Parts
- Saves Significant Rig Time
- Dual Sealing - retains the exclusive Field Proven RMSpumptools Pressure Barrier
- Back-up O-Ring Seals between Field Attachable Connector and Penetrators
- Fully Testable after being installed on the Cable
- Suits a range of Cable Sizes
- Incorporates a combination of Metal and Elastomeric Seals
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We provide full product training to ensure you get the most from your RMSpumptools equipment. Training can be provided on or offshore and also accessed online through our dedicated training portal.
With decades of proven engineering excellence, our products and innovative approach to design engineering provides solutions to some common, yet challenging upstream problems. Our tech consistently performs at the very outer limits of what’s possible.