The RMSpumptools Y-Tool is a simple extension of our field-proven standard Y-Tool ESP completion which allows the operator to run two complete ESP systems in one well, to provide a down-hole back up system. Typically both ESP systems are identical.
An individual cable powers each ESP and either the upper or lower ESP system can be selectively operated without any well intervention required. When failure of the first operating ESP eventually occurs, the other ESP is then activated to provide extended operating time between workovers.
This system is best applied in high workover cost environments such as offshore and remote locations where rig access to well for workover may not be immediate (notably subsea applications).
The dual ESP redundancy system radically improves well profitability by lowering workover costs and by cutting deferment. Initial installation time is minimised and all systems are worldwide field-proven for ultimate reliability.
Features & Benefits
- RMSpumptools Dual ESP redundancy system will radically improve well profitability by lowering workover costs and by cutting deferment.
- Initial installation time is minimised.
- Utilising only one Y-Tool for the upper ESP only, this simple configuration provides a dual ESP completion with the redundancy benefits of halving workover costs, requiring minimal additional downhole equipment.
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